Homemade equatorial fork mount

Internet Amateur Astronomers Catalog.
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Homemade equatorial fork mount
Mounts for Astrophotography
1 - MESSIER OBJECTS: (IAAC) Object: M1 - Instrument: 8" SCT f/10 (IAAC) 25cm Dobsonian, f/6, 48x, M1 (IAAC) Obs: M1; Inst- 16" Dob (IAAC) Obj: M 1 - Inst: 8" SCT
Classic Celestron C8 information, maintenance, manuals, parts, and accessories.
Equatorial Mount Reviews Equatorial Equatorial
Equatorial Mounts And Altazimuth Mounts.
What you need to know about telescope mounts. An easy to understand tutorial on altazimuth, Dobsonian, fork, and equatorial mounts for astronomical telescopes, with

An equatorial mounting has one axis aligned parallel to the axis of rotation of the Earth by pointing it at the North or South celestial pole. Then, to compensate for
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Equatorial Mount How to Use